
Imagine sitting in a restaurant and you see a  neon sign with a racist caricature of a Black man that says “Coon Chicken Inn.” Would you smile with joy at our illustrious America history or say, “What the f**ck is that?” We would argue the latter would be the reaction for most Americans. Well, not […]

Christopher Ballew filed a claim for damages against the Pasadena police after a routine traffic stop escalated into a violent encounter.

James Blakely, a 97-year-old veteran, is battling his landlord to stay in an apartment he believes was given to him five years ago rent free.

Ben Carson is  the secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development and one of his missions has been to prevent low-income people from getting fair housing. Not very Christ-like of him, is it? The former neurosurgeon announced in August that he was delaying an Obama-era rule that allowed low-income people to afford housing in areas with […]


Trump has made immigration such a hot button issue that even the most radical of Republicans feel comfortable coming forward with their anti-immigrant sentiments. On Fox News this past Friday night , Amy Tarkanian, who is the former Nevada state GOP chairperson (her husband is Danny Tarkanian, who is currently running for the U.S.Senate for […]

The President also used the press conference, in which he did not take any questions, to slam Democrats and “Fake News” outlets.   The House of Representatives gave final approval Wednesday afternoon to its major rewrite of the US tax code, voting a second time on the package after the Senate stripped out a couple […]

SMH.   Republicans are celebrating the passing of the disastrous tax  bill. It’s the one piece  of major legislation the Trump administration has been able to pass and, arguably, the most dangerous. Sadly, the bill pumps up the lie of trickle down economics, helping corporations instead of the middle-class, and will destroy the cornerstone of […]

Two Confederate statues of former President Jefferson Davis and slave trader Nathan Bedford Forrest were removed overnight in Memphis.

Black Santa, a new app released by The Ravenel Agency, allows users to receive a video message directly from Mr. Claus.

Prosecutors announced a murder charge against the ex-Michigan state trooper who shot Damon Grimes with a Taser and caused a fatal crash.

Judge Roy Moore is the sore loser of 2017. The accused pedophile clearly lost the Alabama Senate race and has blamed everyone from Muslims to any form of brown people. Also, as we all know, Roy thinks LGBT people are going to burn in the fiery depths of an Alabama hell so he is especially […]

 Doug Jones made history in Alabama last week, but things are already looking shaky for the folks who supported him. As we reported, on a Sunday interview with CNN, the Senator-elect from Alabama said that people should “move on” from Donald Trump‘s sexual assault allegations. The comment was bizarre, considering part of the reason he […]