Tom Joyner Morning Show

I’m learning that the most interesting time of a person’s life second to the teenage years, are the toddler years. I’d never thought about it…

Tom Joyner Morning Show

Nostalgia is one of those things that keeps us older folks from going bat crazy when the rest of the world seems to want to…

Tom Joyner Morning Show

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, I took a trip down south to hang out with the in-laws. It was a great chance to get away from…

Will Black public school students suffer academically because of a dwindling number of Black teachers? It’s a critical question that is being debated in education circles…

Tom Joyner Morning Show

A general rule for dealing with a toddler is to not laugh when they do something bad, even if your sides are about to split…

Why are more African-American children committing suicide? It’s a daunting, and complex question and this much is clear: Suicide rates among African-American children have nearly…

For iPhone; Something I truly never thought about or never experienced when I was growing up is a child being suspended from preschool. It is…

If I were to tell anyone of color with a clue that White children are given the benefit of the doubt and Black kids are…

Georgia pediatrician Dr. Stephanie Kong and her practice Zoe Pediatric believe the battle against childhood obesity can be fought…and won. They believe in awareness and…