During the remainder of the week, services are scheduled to honor the life of the woman family and friends lovingly called "Sandy."

https://www.instagram.com/p/BHoCygChuFj/ This week was devastating, exhausting, and mentally draining for everyone in America. In the wake of two African-American males killed by law enforcement this week, protests broke out nationwide. Tears were shed, anger was expressed, and 5 officers were killed in Dallas, Texas — something that many didn’t expect. Many celebrities have been vocal […]


She posted a lengthy manifesto to her personal website, making a powerful, brave, and emotional statement.


Many Blacks feel they don’t receive enough support for racially charged issues. White coworkers can be left feeling unsure of what to say or do to provide comfort and avoid confrontation. Here’s what our White coworkers can do to be an ally without stirring the pot.

The two officers -- Blane Salamoni and Howie Lake II -- were placed on administrative leave following the shooting. Lake previously discharged his weapon in the line of duty.

A grand jury declined to indict the police officer who pinned down a Black girl at a pool party. The police will hold a community meeting to discuss moving forward.


In the verdict, which came after a six-day trial, the judge also said that prosecutors did not prove a reckless endangerment charge against Nero over a failure to put a seat belt on Gray, noting that he had no direct role in putting Gray in the transport van to the jail.