What happens when you mix reality show bad boy, Ray J with hip hop prettiest pin up, Amber Rose? Magic, that’s what! I got the…

1. Not Planning A Date “No one seems to want to make an actual date anymore. Repeatedly texting me to meet up last minute (and…

  Romeo Miller’s getting ready to take it all off in the upcoming stripper pic Chocolate City! You’ve marveled at his handsome face, and you’ve…

Online dating is no longer one of those scary and foreign things that people avoid like the plague. These days, 33 percent of couples have…

Kelly Priceis coming into the “greatest season” of her life and she is celebrating lessons learned with a new album, appropriately titled “Sing Pray Love.…

With early summer comes wedding season and lots of images of flowy dresses, delectable desserts and articles about love and commitment. I like all of…

Singer Toni Braxton will release a memoir titled “Unbreak My Heart” on May 20, 2014. The book delves into the singer’s decision to abandon her…

Tom Joyner Morning Show

Never lend more than you can afford to give is good advice. The idea is that sometimes well-meaning people borrow money or items and when…

K.Michelle and Joseline Hernandez are enjoying a hearty chuckle over news that Mimi Faust is about to release a sex tape. When news hit yesterday…

Is there really a “right” way to have an argument? “Massive, all-out fights are bad for you,” says Jonathan Alpert, a psychotherapist. “On the other…