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Taraji P. Henson Honored With Star On The Hollywood Walk Of Fame

Source: Jean Baptiste Lacroix / Getty

Taraji P. Henson’s fiance Kelvin Hayden just got a little finer. While promoting her new film What Men Want, the Empire star let us in on a little (or should we say) big secret about her boo.

In What Men Want, Taraji’s character has an interesting encounter with a pretty big condom, prompting HB’s deputy Editor to ask Taraji, Erykah Badu and Tamala Jones if they’ve ever had a man lie to them about their condom size.

“I will tell you this, I keep my stash. You don’t want to be caught off guard. I had the little one and this person he needed the big one,” she revealed. “It was my fiancé,” she added. 

According to Taraji, he didn’t even mention it until later. Watch her explain, above.


Taraji Interrupts Her Friend’s Wedding In This EXCLUSIVE ‘What Men Want’ Clip

Taraji P. Henson Talks Her Viral GIF And Who In Black Hollywood She’s Clapping For Right Now

Taraji P. Henson Lets Us In On A Little Secret: My Fiancé Wears Magnums  was originally published on