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The Real Life Olivia Pope Explains George W. Bush’s Reaction To “Scandal”

Did you know Shonda Rhimes famous character on “Scandal,” “Olivia Pope” was inspired by George W. Bush’s deputy press secretary Judy Smith? She’s now the head of crisis consulting firm Smith and Company. Thinks about Olivia having a sex scene with Bush…vomits in mouth.

Smith recently revealed the conversation she had with Shonda Rhimes prior to the making of “Scandal.”

“She told me, ‘I’m thinking that I’m gonna create a character where a president is involved. … I’m thinking of sort of a different storyline, one where the two of you are close,’ ” Smith recounted. “[Rhimes] said, ‘No, actually, sex.’ I said, ‘With the president?’ Well as any good crisis manager would have it, I had to quickly call President Bush to help frame the message, to help form the narrative, before he heard it from anybody else.”

It was Smith’s job to inform the president about Shonda’s forthcoming show and how he responded is pretty interesting. Bush missed Smith’s first call, but it turned out he had already known about the pitch. He returned her call and left her voice mail that said, “Love you. Want you. You left me! And by the way, this is the former leader of the free world. Call me.”

She responded, “See? This is why I’m calling you now: You need some talking points. You need to stay on message.”

Bush continued his act, ‘I’m going to confirm the affair,’” he said “‘ I said, ‘What affair? There was no affair.’ He said … ‘I have young people working in my office now. They said I need to stay relevant, that it’s good for my reputation.’ I’m like, ‘What reputation? You’re almost 90. What are you talking about?’ “



AM BUZZ: Wendy Williams Shades Former Friend; Beyonce’s Steamy Calendar  was originally published on

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