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Drake Courtside With WWE Title

Source: (Photo by Vaughn Ridley/Getty Images) / (Photo by Vaughn Ridley/Getty Images)

Day to day it seems as if their is a new celebrity announcement or confimation of testing positive for this life changing coronavirus. Recently, beloved NBA star, Kevin Durant, has tested positive for the potentially deadly COVID-19 disease. With the news of Durant’s status hitting the public, the internet went crazy over recent photos of the NBA MVP with Canadian rapper, Drake.

NBA 2K20 Launch Party

Source: Bernard Smalls / @PhotosByBeanz

The photos stem from when Durant and Drake kicked it March 11th, when the Brooklyn Nets came to California to compete against the Los Angeles Lakers. Just one week later, Durant confirms testing positive for COVID-19.

People don’t play about Drake by any means and all the commotion over the pictures moved the record-breaking rapper to get himself tested. Following the suggested CDC protocol, he placed himself in quarantine at home in Toronto after realizing he might possibly really be at risk. 

After a slightly invasive test and waiting, not so patiently for the results, Drizzy got on Instagram Live with his ever so famous father. He tells his dad and the thousands of viewers on IG Live, “Yeah, I had to do a test, but it came back negative. That test is uncomfortable. They put that q-tip all the way inside your thoughts and shit.”

Drake Reveals Coronavirus Test Results!!!  was originally published on mycolumbuspower.com