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Walker Funeral Home Black Business Spotlight

My children recently lost their father to blood clots in his lungs. Is this hereditary? What are preventive measures that can be taken against getting blood clots?

It can be but your children would need to be tested if they got blood clots for no reason. Inactivity, cancer, pregnancy, orthopedic injuries can put you or your children at increased risk of blood clots

My name is Shidina and I  was listening to the meatless Monday portion of your discussion and didn’t hear your answer regarding whether fish was okay.  Also, could doing something like that help you lose weight?

Fish is ok but there is some fish that has just as much fat in it as a pork chop. Try to get wild (non-farm raised) fish. Weight gain be minimized by having moderate meat, sugars and processed food intake coupled with exercise.

What do we do about urinary leakage?

Kegal exercises (squeeze as if you are trying to stop your urine stream, several times a day

How late is too late to have kids? I’ve never really wanted kids and right now I’m focused on school and my career but I may change my mind.

The longer you wait past 40 the more difficult although not impossible to have children. You are born with all the eggs you’ll ever have so as we age they don’t work as well.

What about problems with  The pelvic floor after menopause?

It gets weak.

If you only spot during your menstruation each month can you still get pregnant?  


After having a hysterectomy do you need to get pap smears?

If you still have your cervix yes, otherwise no but you should still have a vaginal exam regardless

Can the umbilical cord around the neck at the birth of the child cause autism?

No,  research currently has proven this.

Is it ok to have a couple cups of hot chocolate bumped up wit liquor. Especially on cold & horny morning & night.

That’s ok if done less than three times per week.

I was told the paragaurd is a great iud alternative to the mirena. Is this a good option as my mom had an iud that malfunctioned years ago?

No two women are alike you have to weigh the pros and cons and if you decide to get the mirena if there are any unusual side effects switch t another form of birth control immediately.

Through an ultrasound my doctor sees a uterine fibroid growing. It is not bothering me now. Should I look to having it removed now or wait until there is a problem?

If it’s not causing in problems and it does not look suspicious on U.S it’s ok to have it followed by an ObGyn.

What are some different ways to lower your blood pressure?

Excersise consistently, yoga, stretching, de-stressing.

What could a soft lump on top of right shoulder possibly be?

Sound like a lipoma (non-cancerous fatty tumor) but if it begins to grow rapidly, become firm or fixed underneath the skin these changes need to be assessed by a surgeon because it may need to be removed.

I’ve read two different things pertaining to water intake please help. Should I drink half of my body weight of water a day or the eight glasses?

Eight glasses is appropriate but if your activity level or salt intake increases you must adjust (increase)  your intake.

If red causes cancer then how come my aunts and uncles in the south have not had any of those cancer related problems yet although their in there late 70′s?

Red wine does not CAUSE cancer. Its actually very good for your heart and chronic inflammation but alcohol in excess can increase your risk of breast, esophageal and head and neck cancers.

Ladies, Take a Time-Out: Dr. April Speed Encourages Health Checks for Women Who Keep It Movin’  was originally published on

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