About Sam Sylk

Kanye West really took some people over the edge when he professed his love for Trump, stated that slavery was a choice and that prison brings white and black men together as one race. Some of the celebrities that made their disapproval of Kanye comments public were; Nipsey Hussle, Questlove, Snoop Dogg and Janelle Monae, just to name […]

We know things can’t go perfect every time and Beyoncé showed us the best example of the worst mistake. The 36-year-old pop icon attempted to pick her younger sister, 31, up off the stage and lost her balance as they both adorably tumbled to the floor. But no worries, neither one of the girls were hurt, […]

On Tuesday, MTV officially announced that MTV’s Video Music Awards will return to New York City’s Radio City Music Hall this year. If I had to guess the reason for the move from sunny California back to New York, I would say the bizarre weather California has been experiencing from the rain, the flooding, the mud […]

Christa Poole & Darryl Moore, parents of Devin Moore, stopped by the z1079 studio to share the story of their son and why they made a scholarship fund in his name. Listen to full interview with Sam Sylk below. https://soundcloud.com/samsylk/the-parents-of-devin-moore-in-their-own-words-scholarship-memorial The Devin C.G. Moore Memorial Scholarship  Christa Poole & Darryl Moore: Our son Devin Moore […]

If you’re a breakfast person and love eggs, you may want to read this. The federal Food and Drug Administration reported last Friday that eggs from the affected farm were distributed to nine states: Colorado, Florida, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia and were likely connected to 22 […]

It had previously been reported that Lil Wayne may have had a love child by the name of Dwayne Brown by a woman name Keiotia Watson back in 2001. According to TMZ, they got a hold of the results from Lil Wayne’s paternity test and it turns out that he is NOT the father, in fact […]

The Secret Service quietly warned banks in January that gangs were targeting stand-alone ATMs made by vender Diebold Nixdorf. Hackers are using a piece of malware on ATMs to make the machines spit out cash in what is called jackpotting. The software virus was identified by a company called NetSkope. Netskope posted on its company blog: “Netskope […]

In a video for Architectual Digest posted on Tuesday, the 29-year-old model teamed up with Lehrer Architects’ Michael Lehrer to design her dream home, sex room, money vault and all. Showing up to her appointment her list started off normal, I guess, but then it got turnt up for the designer when he heard that Black Chyna […]

This guy TJ Miller can’t seem to catch a break. He was recently accused of sexually assaulting a woman while in college and pretty brutally might we add and now we have this story about him calling in a fake bomb threat. So apparently, TJ Miller decided to call in a bomb threat stating that a woman on a […]

Toledo, Ohio – Four teens have been charged for throwing a sandbag from an Ohio highway overpass that killed a Marquise Byrd, have been sentenced to a youth treatment facility program. The boys ages at the time were around 13 or 14, threw rocks and sandbags onto Interstate 75 near downtown Toledo with one sandbag smashing through […]

Jordan Peele next filming project will be the documentary series on Lorena Bobbitt the woman who cut off her man’s penis for Amazon. Josh Rofé will direct the series while Peele and Win Rosenfeld will executive produce. The four-part series, titled “Lorena” will go back to 1993 when Bobbitt made headlines around the world for slicing […]

Does coffee cause cancer? Well according to the experts in California it does and so Starbucks and other coffee shops will have to display cancer warning signs in their shops soon. The proposed ruling which falls under the state’s proposition 65, a rule that says businesses must give customers a “clear and reasonable warning” about ingredients […]