Feature Story

Feature Story

Our #ForeverFLOTUS is inspiring us to hit the gym STAT!

Skai Jackson keeps her lips popping with this $18 goodie!

Here's how to make your bras last longer (and when it's time to let them go).

Just as makeup does for some women — beards have the ability to transform men into totally different people. Most women feel that the thicker and more groomed the facial hair, the more attractive and manly you are. However, there are some who feel that a clean face is the way to go.  At the […]

Feature Story

We have the stops you need to make on your next trip to Bermuda!

Feature Story

As the Wopsters celebrate their second wedding anniversary, here are the best looks from the most fashionable couple in the game.

Feature Story

No one has time for this junk science bolstering these white standards of beauty, not on Rihanna's Internet. No, ma'am.

Whether it’s playing Angel on Pose or modeling for Louis Vuitton, Indya Moore is a force to be reckoned with. Most importantly, they never lived their life with the mantra of “shut up and act” or “shut up and pose.” As an actress, model and trans person, they have always used their platform to raise awareness […]

The "Power" actress is the face of Excedrin's Take Two contest, which invites people who have missed out on important moments in their lives because of these severe headaches.