
Even the most suit & tie corporate company needs to step into the blogosphere.

Seems like everybody is accepting Bruce Jenners transformation, except this place! Click Here to find out more.

Peter Thomas of Love and Hip Hop get handled for his remarks about Caitlyn Jenner(Bruce). Click Here for all the details

“How can I lose 10 lbs in five days?” That’s the number one question I get asked as a pro FitGirl. And the second question I am always asked is, “What should I eat before and after I work out?” Well since the first question is totally against my RAD girl beliefs,I am glad to […]

Being Mary Jane star Raven Goodwin gets into an altercation at a Waffle House, Click Here for the details.  

Amsterdam, Johannesburg and Singapore oh my! There's so many places to see in the world. Why not work there and get paid to see these places?

Sure, you can stop & smell the roses, but what about wearing them? Check out these fit workout clothes you're going to want right now.


Putting together a checklist for your vacation is the only way that you can make sure those hard-earned dollars you’ve just spent will count.