
Sen. Kamala Harris is favored for the 2020 Democratic nomination at the CBC Foundation policy forum. However, many in Obama's inner circle back former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick .

Athletes and NFL team owners push back against President Trump's divisive remarks about kneeling during the national anthem.

Stephen Curry said he would not visit the White House on Friday, setting off a flurry of reaction in both the political and sports world after the 45th president of the United States decided to address the situation directly on Twitter on Saturday morning. Donald Trump’s tweet about Curry, which essentially uninvited the Golden State Warriors from a […]

The Orange A-hole is at it again. Saturday morning, he said via Twitter that he’d withdrawn an offer to greet the NBA champions at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. “Going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team,” Trump wrote. “Stephen Curry is hesitating, therefore invitation is withdrawn.” We don’t know […]


The United States Postal Service will debut four new stamps that pay homage to Ezra Jack Keats’ 1962 children’s book “The Snowy Day.”


During a rally in Huntsville, Alabama president Donald Trump fired subliminal shots at NFL player Colin Kaepernick.

The University of New Hampshire's Alpha Phi Sorority sparked outrage after using the n-word while rapping to Kanye West's "Gold Digger" in a controversial video.

In a case that is emblematic of how HIV criminalization unfairly impacts Black people and stigmatizes people living with HIV, Michael L Johnson, 25, was sentenced for infecting a man and endangering four others.

The two women involved are “not registered nurses,” but provide care for patients until their removal.   JACKSONVILLE, FL (WFOX/WJAX/CNN) – A Naval hospital said the actions of a couple of hospital staffers will be handled by “military justice.” The statement comes after some very questionable social media posts. The exclusive video appeared to show staff […]

David Clarke drops the “F-bomb” in response to a reporter's email questions about spending taxpayer dollars on his home security, while serving as sheriff.

CLEVELAND – Families in Northeast Ohio are waiting anxiously to hear from family in Puerto Rico, where power is out nearly everywhere and officials are expecting a massive and long cleanup from destruction left behind by Hurricane Maria. To help, a group of Clevelanders are getting together to make sure their family and friends are […]

Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló called the hurricane the “most devastating storm to hit the island this century, if not in modern history.”   Hurricane Maria, steadily moving northeast towards the Dominican Republic, left Puerto Rico in a state of destruction on Wednesday and Thursday. A power outage which is expected to last for four to […]