
The National Park Service awards UC Berkeley a $97,999.70 grant for a research project on the Black Panther Party.

Researchers examining multiple field experiments, from 1989 to 2015, found that hiring discrimination remains unchanged for Blacks.


The body of missing 22-year-old woman Breanna Bradford was discovered inside her car in southeast Fresno, California on Sunday.


White teachers at Whitney High School Cerritos, California, have been re-enacting slavery as a lesson for 10 years.

Lipscomb University president Randy Lowry is under fire for displaying cotton-stalk centerpieces and serving stereotypical foods, including collard greens, at a dinner for African-American students.

The number of hate crimes rose about 5 percent across the United States from 2015 to 2016. It's the first time in over a decade that the country has experienced consecutive annual increases in hate crimes

Baton Rouge police are holding Kenneth Gleason on drug charges, but do not have enough to charge him in the deaths of two Black men.


Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke fired shots at Rep. Maxine Waters, the Black Lives Matter collective, and Colin Kaepernick on Twitter.


Baton Rouge police officials are searching for a White suspect who may be tied to the shooting deaths of two Black men.


During the second wave of protests over the acquittal of Jason Stockley in St. Louis, nine people were arrested.


New reports show that tech giants Google and Twitter were allowing advertisers to target individuals who used racist keywords.

The student was reportedly “violently dragged” from his seat for not standing.   Freedom of speech and standing up for your rights and beliefs are some of the hottest topics in the country right now. However, it always seems that when POC utilize those rights and freedoms they are met with outrage, disdain and even […]