Oh, how we wish he could’ve run for a third term as well.   It’s been almost two months since the 2016 presidential election and the majority of us are still trying to forget the outcome. Unfortunately for the foreseeable future we are stuck with one Donald Trump, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t […]

As Americans are still trying to come to terms with the outcome of the 2016 presidential election tensions are still at an all-time high, especially when not only the President-elect himself continues to fan the flames, but also his batch of extremist conservative supporters. One of the most vocal Trump supporters is Tomi Lahren, who […]

Former CNN host Soledad O’Brien talks to the Tom Joyner Morning Show about her Cuban heritage, the disconnect some of her family faces and what Fidel Castro‘s death means for Donald Trump. “My mother left to go to college right before Castro came into power. Over the years all of her siblings died and she was […]


The reality of the outcome of the recent presidential election has left many Americans feeling hopeless, helpless and disenfranchised, but that hasn’t stopped them from looking forward to the 2020 election. Social media was ablaze today with urging and pleas for current FLOTUS Michelle Obama to run for president in 2020. In fact during Hillary […]

Tom Joyner Morning Show

President Obama addressed the country about the latest election results and how to move forward as a country. Watch below. WASHINGTON (AP) 12:35 p.m. President Barack Obama says he’s instructing his team to make sure there is a peaceful transfer of power to Donald Trump. Obama spoke Wednesday in the White House’s Rose Garden following Trump’s […]

Celebrity News & Gossip

One of the great things about social media is that questionable acts, occurrences and news get appropriately dragged when necessary. The latest recipient of social media ridicule is luxury retailer Neiman Marcus for selling collard greens for a whopping $66, excluding the $15 shipping fee. Yes, you read that right. Collard greens, which can be […]


Colin Kaepernick has easily emerged as one of 2016’s most “woke” celebrities. From his newly awesome Afro to donating sales of his number one-selling jersey back into the community and  his national anthem protest that has racked up tons of support, he is definitely using his platform to not only make a change, but also […]


It’s been a rough year for Carolina Panthers superstar Cam Newton. After losing the Super Bowl, which many thought he was a shoo-in to win, he found himself in a whirlwind of controversy regarding his comments about the Black Lives Matter movement, as well as his thoughts on fellow football player Colin Kaepernick’s national anthem […]


Ramsey Orta, the Staten Island man who filmed Eric Garner's death, has been sentenced to four years in prison in a (supposedly) unrelated weapon and drugs case.


With the overabundance of bad news circulating these days, it’s quite nice to hear something good and truly heart-warming. Fresh off of his NBA Championship win, Cleveland Cavaliers superstar LeBron James gave back to the city of Ohio in such a fun-filled way.   When word gets out that a celebrity is doing something positive […]


It’s always incredibly sad to watch the aftermath of a natural disaster and how it drastically affects the lives of those in its wake. That is exactly what is happening now, as numerous reports and images are coming out of the recent floods in Louisiana. The floods have been extremely severe and actor Wendell Pierce […]


When the disappointing and outrageous news broke today that all of the officers tried in the Freddie Gray murder case had been acquitted, most people were shocked, saddened and disheartened by another injustice of a black man being murdered with no one held accountable. However it wasn’t just regular citizens who were highly upset, as […]