Rev. Al Sharpton talks voter rights and the National Action Network‘s ‘Summer Freedom’ initiative. “In many states they are cutting voting rights. We’re getting ready to qualify…

Rev. Al Sharpton talks about the connection of law enforcement and race, since the increase of police brutality against African Americans, most recently the dismissal…

Rev. Al Sharpton talks about the 82 people shot in Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend and the need for stricter gun laws in…

07/02/14 – Rev. Al Sharpton talks the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that was singed by President Lyndon B. Johnson. “It…

Rev. Al Sharpton talks about ‘The Central Park 5′ , the 1989 rape and assault of Trisha Meili. Five black men were convicted of the crime…

Rev. Al Sharpton wants to stop the water cooler talk. Unless of course you’re getting the facts straight about President Obama and Benghazi. “Since the right-wing is so…

 Rev. Al Sharpton talks the Virginia primary vote that booted Eric Cantor from his seat and welcomed in a new, relatively unknown Republican David Brat.…

06/04/14 – Rev. Al Sharpton talks about the controversy surrounding  President Obama’s decision to exchanging five prisoners on Guantanamo Bay for one POW. “The war is…

New York, NY — The National Action Network celebrated its annual Triumph Awards on Monday, June 2, 2014 celebrating the achievements and contributions of a…

05/21/14 – Rev. Al Sharpton talks to the TJMS about the 60th anniversary of Brown vs. The Board of Education. Have things really changed? “60…

05/14/14 – Rev. Al Sharpton is traveling to LA to receive the ‘Man of the Year’ award from the Los Angeles chapter of the NAACP,…

Rev. Al Sharpton stresses how important it is to pay attention to the primaries and encourages us to vote in the midterm elections. The Republican…