The DL Hughley Show

If people make you feel bad because you’re constantly late, the joke is on them because you’ll out live them all! According to a new study those who are often late tend to live longer, happier and more productive lives. So, the next time you’re late tell everyone you were just adding years onto your […]

A little Guatemalan girl died of dehydration and exhaustion while in the custody of border agents. For many of us it’s hard to imagine a 7-year-old dying like that. But, this is what happens when we have a lack of humanity. Border patrol agents were seen pouring out water that was intended to be for […]

It’s the time of year that lots of offices like to throw holiday parties for their staff! But just like with everything else in life, there are some rules. You should dress up and look nice, don’t show up in sweat pants! Do not spend the evening complaining about work remember, you’re at work! Don’t […]

A study shows that one in four doctors in the United states was born in a different country. This is also true for many nurses, pharmacists and dentists. Almost 17 percent of doctors were not born in America, almost five percent are not US citizens and doctors are more than 30 percent more likely to […]

Since it’s almost Christmas Oleebo wanted to review family movie that everyone would love! But he couldn’t find one. So, instead the “Oleebo Bootleg Choir” sang a little song. The Choir sang about a lovely movie that takes place under water that you won’t love, its Aquaman! He warns everyone to not see this movie! […]

Facebook has reportedly been working on a new feature that would track your location. It’d use that data to predict where you’re going, when you’ll be there and when you’ll be online. The technology is reportedly able to categorize your current location, the time of your visit, the hours they’re open and the popular hours […]

It doesn’t seem like cheaters are very creative. Anytime they get a caught up even a little bit they have a lie to wiggle their way out of it. Something like “I’m a private person,” usually means they don’t want to go in public and run the risk of their other boo seeing the two […]

We’ve been saying that we need stricter gun laws and finally it seems like someone has been listening! Lawmakers in New York have introduced a law that would require a social media screening for those looking to be licensed hand gun carriers. If there are violent, hate filled or any other alarming posts their request […]

A lot of us pack on a few pounds during the holiday season, but you don’t have to! If you take some of the advice in the audio above you might not even have to go up a pants size. One of the most simple ways to avoid the extra pounds is to skip dessert […]

The same technology that allows cellphones to have facial recognition is now being used in the medical field. Doctors are able to take that technology to screen for cancer tumors. The technology identified the different tumor types with 82% accuracy. This new development could help doctors educate patients on their disease and treatment options. Don’t […]

Previously the standard recommendation regarding mammograms was that women should start receiving them at age 50. Now, doctors are recommending women start having them at a much younger age. If you have a heavy chest, or a family history of Breast cancer doctors suggest you start getting mammograms at age 30. Don’t Miss Out! Follow […]

It’s flu season and you need to make sure you’re protected! Doctors recommend getting a flu shot for yourself as well as your family. If you’re unsure about if you should get one or not here are a few reasons you should. Babies under six months old can’t get a flu shot, and if you’re […]