She tried it.   After 53 percent of all White female voters helped put Donald Trump into office, White comedian Nikki Glaser is looking for someone to blame besides, well, her sex.  So she did what White women have historically been known to do: Made up a lie about a Black person. The White stand-up comedian called out Oprah […]


In a lawsuit, the First Lady told the court she intended to pursue licensing deals in “apparel, accessories, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics, hair care, skin care, and fragrance,” and that false reporting about her would diminish her prospects of doing so.

Drake is the king of sneak dissing, but his latest shade thrown during his show in London has everyone talking. On Sunday, during the last London stop of his The Boys Meets World Tour, he made a political statement about America’s new Head of State, Donald Trump. He told the crowd, “For some reason in my room, they […]

Melissa McCarthy‘s impersonation of Sean Spicer on SNL over the weekend was so epic that the White House Press Secretary spoke out about it. While in Houston for the Super Bowl, Spicer spoke to Extra about the comedian’s performance, in which she poked fun at his uptight demeanor and “alternative facts” rhetoric in a press conferences. […]


According to President Donald Trump, a replacement for the Affordable Care Act may not come until 2018.


A U.S. federal appeals court blocked a request by the Department of Justice to reinstate President Donald Trump’s controversial travel ban on Sunday.


A new Gallup poll shows that Americans are divided when it comes to the media’s coverage of Donald Trump.

If Donald Trump's America isn't so great for you, consider taking your talents global.

There’s a “great spirit in the country right now,” Donald Trump said about December unemployment numbers released Friday.

If there's anything Ivanka Trump should've learned from her time on The Apprentice, it's how to deal with being fired.