Kerry Washington has found special place to have bonding time with her unborn bundle of joy — on the set of “Scandal!” According to Kerry’s…

Shonda Rhimes has mixed feelings about the Diversity Award she received at the Directors Guild of America Awards on Saturday. During her acceptance speech, the…

12/19/13- Huggy Lowdown jokes with Skip Murphy, Sybil Wilkes, and J. Anthony Brown about the Mega Million winner Ira Curry and “Scandal.”

12/19/13- J. Anthony Brown has a song for all the abandoned “Scandal” fans who don’t  know what to do with themselves on Thursdays when their…

This season of “Scandal” has been reduced to 18 episode due to Kerry Washington’s new bun in the oven. According to reports, ABC shortened the…

After a week hiatus Scandal came back with a vengeance and there was a lot happening in the Capitol. Catching up with Olivia and the…

12/06/13- Jacque Reid goes “Inside Her Story” with Pastor Van Moody about making the decision of fixing or nixing one’s relationship. Plus, Moody gives Olivia…

There are some men who simply can not enjoy ABC’s hit show Scandal in all of it’s ugly messiness and taboo shattering beauty, without finding…

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to catch up with family, laugh, and share stories.  Thanksgiving  is also the time to talk about all that is going on in the world and what’s good, bad, and all around crazy.  This year don’t be left out with nothing to add to the conversation.   Will the Broncos go […]

When Khandi Alexander landed the role of Olivia Pope’s mother in ABC’s hit drama “Scandal,” the news was so confidential that she couldn’t tell her…

  Last week we found out Mama Pope lives and this week we see she’s a living crazy person. Still not knowing or fully understanding…