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Ted Cruz

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaks at a Republican victory party Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2014, in Austin, Texas. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

Hello, everyone. Welcome to the longest two years of your life. A period that will surely feature an already broken Congress proving itself to be even more useless than previously imaginable. There’s lots of blame to go around for this — the growing influence of big money in politics is a good place to begin — but let’s skip all of that and focus on those most responsible for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell: the Democrats.

RELATED: GOP Takes Control Of The Senate

Despite historic levels of GOP-led obstructionism, President Barack Obama has managed to make numerous gains, and yet, Democrats didn’t own any of his success.

If anything, they damn near apologized for it — namely Obamacare — distancing themselves from him and his record throughout much of the campaign.

Not surprisingly, they lost anyway. Sure, at the very last minute, they realized that they needed stronger Black turnout in order to have a fighting chance, but haste efforts yield haste results.

I don’t feel bad for the Democrats as they earned their defeat.

I’m more concerned about the rest of us who have to suffer.

So what can we expect? Well, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX, pictured) was asked if he will support McConnell as Senate majority leader and his was response was typical rabble-rousing. Cruz answered, “Well, that will be a decision for the Congress to make and that will be decided next week.” In other words, he’ll more than likely give McConnell the same level of grief he gave House Speaker John Boehner. Based on the ultra-conservatives elected last night, he’ll have more than a few willing to support him in such endeavors.

Awesome: more infighting between Republicans and less compromise with Democrats.

Then there are the crazies itching to impeach President Obama. It’s highly unlikely this will actually happen, but the chatter had already started before election day.

FOX News’ Chris Wallace predicted that should Obama issue an executive order granting legal status to an estimated four million undocumented Americans, there will be a call for impeachment.

Wallace explained on “Outnumbered“:

I think, actually, that’s going to be one of the most interesting issues in the next month. Because he and his White House has basically said he is right after the midterms, he is going to issue an executive action. There is talk, there was a big story in the Wall Street Journal this weekend, he might take action that would delay deportation, in effect, give a permanent path not to citizenship but legalization to up to four million people.

I promise you, if he does that, if he by executive action goes against Congress and legalizes four million people who are in this country illegally, there is going to be a firestorm on Capitol Hill. You’re going to see calls for impeachment. I don’t mean necessarily they’ll do it, but you’ll see calls for it. You’ll see lawsuits, there will be howling that he’s overstepped his executive authority. It’ll be a big deal.

That’s just one means to an end, though. There are many Republicans who don’t care how it’s done so long as it is.

On Monday, Rachel Maddow highlighted how many conservative activists have called for Obama’s impeachment:

When asked whether impeachment of President Obama would be off the table if Republicans took control of the Senate, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus did not dismiss the possibility outright, answering:

“I think it’s a good Democrat talking point, but I think people are angry. Some Democrats are angry too. I just think people believe that this country’s in the ditch, I think people see a Washington that isn’t working … and I think, ultimately, the person at the head of it all is the President. And some people might think that’s fair or not fair, I think it is. And you have [Senate Majority Leader] Harry Reid [D-Nev.] who’s holding up over 260 bills in the Senate.”

Ultimately, it’s the House of Representatives who actually impeaches the President; the Senate votes on conviction. However, with the House full of kooks and other strains of crazy, that shouldn’t take long. Enter former Congressman Tom Tancredo who called on Republicans to throw President Obama out of office should they gain complete control of Congress. Tancredo wrote in his weekend WorldNetDaily column that the GOP congressional leadership should gather the “courage to follow the Constitution and impeach the man.”

Now that they officially have control, the talks will only grow louder because as much as Republicans covet power, the last several years have proven they are a lot less interested in actual governing. It’s been six long years of orchestrated attempts to make Obama president in name only. Don’t be surprised if the last two are spent mostly trying to strip him of that title too.

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Michael Arceneaux hails from Houston, lives in Harlem, and praises Beyoncé’s name wherever he goes. Follow him @youngsinick.

GOP Congress Means More Fighting, Less Governing, and Impeachment Talk  was originally published on