
If you are single listen up. Don’t give into the double standard stereotype that single ladies are desperate and single men are players. If you…

Now I’m warning you, some of these foods are going to take you by surprise. And I don’t know about your personal menu of foods you can eat, but mine seems to be shrinking by the day because there’s always some new research coming out about which foods are harmful. And why does it seem […]

There is absolutely no way around this – losing weight is hard work. Impossible, no. Hard. Yes. But thankfully, there are three things you can…

What goes thru the minds of some of these fellows is waaaay beyond me. It’s being reported that Beyonce’s father Mathew Knowles is the father of yet ANOTHER child, by yet ANOTHER women pictured below…. TMZ Is Reporting… Beyonce’s dad, Mathew Knowles, has been sued by a second woman who claims he fathered her kid … […]

  You love your family (and yourself) and you want everybody to be healthy. Thankfully, there are many different things you can do to help…

If doing triple digit crunches everyday in hopes of achieving abs of steel is your go-to core workout, I suggest you change things up, like…

Anytime is a great time to detox. It’s not just for post-holiday binge relief. Experts believe that trying to eat as cleanly as possible –…

Is it just me or are bikini bottoms smaller than ever?! I personally love this cheeky trend however as a Pro FitGirl I know this…

Warm weather means all kinds of things, including…fire up that grill! And oh, what delicious grilling options there are. Though barbecue overall has a pretty…

Love is a beautiful thing . When it is good it is really good but when it is bad…well you get the picture. You are…

Fox News reporter Jesse Watters quite possibly just stuck his foot in his mouth with a comment he made about single mothers or “single Ladies” in response to Hilary’ Clinton’s comment on lobbying. He says that, “She needs the single ladies vote — I call them the Beyonce voters, the ‘Single Ladies’ — Obama won […]

Did all of your friends find out about your man’s promotion at his job before you? Too much Facebook, twitter or instagram can really take…