

A KKK member verbally attacked and lashed out at Univision Afro-Latinx news anchor Ilia Calderón, referring to her as the n-word during an interview.


American Prospect's Robert Kuttner had a "candid" conversation with White House strategist Steve Bannon, who talked about Trump administration and 45’s threats of “fire and fury.”

Eboni Williams of Fox News received threatening messages from outraged viewers who disliked her commentary criticizing Trump on his statement about the White supremacists rally in Charlottesville, Va.

Scores of anti-racism activists marched through Charlottesville, Virginia in a candlelight vigil to honor Heather Heyer, who was killed during a counterprotest against a White supremacist rally.


Twenty-year-old Deandre Harris of Charlottesville, Virginia, was chased by a gang of White protesters and beaten with metal poles.


Two of three Klansmen were convicted in a plot to kill a formerly incarcerated Black man.

U.S. Senator: ‘There are not ‘many sides’ to this.’   Senator Kamala Harris had to point out the obvious when she slammed Donald Trump‘s comments on White supremacist violence in Charlottesville. In the president’s initial statements on the deadly White supremacist protest, he said that there was violence on many sides. Specifically, he said on Saturday, “We condemn […]

The NBA superstar says Donald Trump made hate “fashionable again.”   NBA superstar LeBron James blasted Donald Trump for his remarks Tuesday about racial terror attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia. James tweeted “Hate has always existed in America. Yes we know that but Donald Trump just made it fashionable again! Statues has nothing to do with us now!” Considered to be […]


Takiyah Fatima Thompson, the 22 year old woman who climbed the confederate statue in Durham, slipped a noose around the neck and helped toppled it, has been arrested by Durham deputies and charged with two misdemeanors and two felonies, CBS North Carolina reports.

“They needed to come down,” Mayor Catherine Pugh said.   Baltimore removed four Confederate statues early Wednesday morning, in the aftermath of the deadly clash in Charlottesville, Virginia on Saturday, CNN reports. According to the Baltimore Sun, activist vowed on Tuesday to demolish Confederate statues in the city if officials continued to drag their feet on removing the controversial […]

Jordan West, a 7-year-old girl with a big heart and a vision, is the driving force behind inspirational princess for a day events.

If you’re looking for Solange, you won’t find her on Twitter. As a form of self-preservation, the Cranes In The Sky Singer has deleted her account. However, she went out in the name of uplifting our heroes, with her last tweet stating, “Deleting my Twitter soon, but before I dip, when we gonna pull up? And what we […]